The beauty of life’s adventure captured in a photo

Climb up on some hill at sunrise. Everybody needs perspective once in a while, and you’ll find it there.

— Robb Sagendorph

A little about me


I’m Saidi

I was born and raised in Arusha, Tanzania. I've loved cameras since a very early age, I've always been a creative person.


Relationship with nature

I love nature and adventure. I'm interested I'm how I can create narratives and expose how creatures and other people live through my work.



It started with just wanting to take pictures of sunsets, friends, city life and objects, but I was instantly drawn to it.

Then my second love is videography, videography allows me to explain a narrative in full, rather than through a single image.


Interesting Fact

Not only am I a photographer, but a videographer also. In Tanzania, videography is a lesser explored career.

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